2 New Do's...And Then 1 More

Part of being a mom is being able to admit that sometimes, you don't always know best. I like to think I do, but then something always happens and I know that I don't. Unfortunately, poor Dacee had to live with the consequences. I learned that perms are not the answer! I, Shaina, promise (my hand is in the air) to never, never, ever, ever, suggest that anyone get a perm!

Dacee was a good sport about it, we all had a good time hanging out at the salon and breathing in the delightful smell of perm solution, as the pictures will show. But in the end, we decided that the poodle look was a little outdated. I get to spend more time with Dacee these days because now I straighten her hair. Everyday.



stacey said…
Hi Shaina! Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog today. I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving such kind words, made my day! :-)

Bummer about the perm! Who would have thought? I got perms ALL the time when I was a kid!! Your girls are adorable, looking forward to reading and seeing more.

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