Mother's Day started yesterday!

Yesterday seemed like an ordinary day, and then the ordinary became extraordinary....

My kids have always loved to find money on the floor. Pennies are the best when you are five and under don't you think(after that they are almost a nuisance). Brooks was finding pennies all over the place and he had collected a ton, or maybe just six or seven. He thought he had a ton and he was going to go to the store and buy me chocolate for Mother's Day, because as he put it, "You're crazy for chocolate!" He knows me so well. He actually wanted to get me chocolate out of a candy machine. He talked about it all day long.

For my whole life I have never been good about gifts. If I get a gift for you, I would much rather tell you what it is than wait to give it to you. And please don't make me wait to find out what you got me. I have been known to unwrap a gift, and wrap it back up because the not knowing was killing me. If I try hard enough I usually can get it out of my kids what they bought for me. I know it's wrong, but just love me. 

So yesterday afternoon, Brad took Brooks to the store to get me some chocolate because you know, "Mom's crazy about chocolate."
I have to admit that when he came home from the store with a package of Butterfingers I was a little disappointed. He made a huge point of showing them to me and telling me that I couldn't have them until today. OK. Brad even asked me if Brooks had showed the chocolate to me and said something like I told him not to.

When Brooks came into my room this morning with a fantastic chocolate bar I was really surprised! They really fooled me. He hid this one in Braley's toy car and didn't tell me. I'm impressed, and feel so loved. Maybe a little nervous too. They're onto me and I can see that they are getting trickier themselves and I may not be able to get information out of them so easily anymore. 

And Dacee and Regan made me cards that said the sweetest things and made me laugh. My ordinary life is extraordinary, and I love it.

Brad finally gave in to the fact that it was time to start the lawn mowing season. We had waited long enough and if he didn't get out there he would be using a machete instead of a lawn mower. I think doing the edge with the weed eater took longer than the actual lawn mowing. I was in the kitchen doing little stuff watching him going around and around because there is something that makes me so happy to see each line of clean cut grass. Anybody else know that feeling, or is it just me? Plus, he's just so darn cute!
I sat down to feed Noah and I was a little distracted with baby food and baby cuteness until I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Brad was dancing. Yes, he was dancing and trying to get my attention. He was flirting with me. He was showing off for me. It made my day. Of course I about fell off my chair laughing, because come on, he was dancing around with a lawn mower. Even though I was laughing, my heart was going pitter pat for this man that brings me so much joy and makes me laugh!
I jumped up and grabbed my camera. I couldn't let this moment get away. He kind of stopped when he saw the camera, but he was a good sport and let me get a few shots.

He followed this up with an invitation for a nice quiet night out with him. How could I pass that up? This day just couldn't get any better. Could it? But of course!

We called a babysitter and set out for a night on the town. It's still Twin Falls you know, but we had a great dinner. What I love is that when we are alone, he opens my door. I love that. We had only been gone for about an hour and we didn't really want to go home, so he just drove me around for a while so we could talk a little more.  It was fabulous!


Shaina said…
I love when you make posts I think this one is my faivrit one yet love Dacee
Katy said…
What a good post! Good job.

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