I think we are coming down with.....

We started seeing the first real symptoms last night when Brad came home from work in a little bit of a frenzy. We needed to get the chart made bigger and teams drawn. Since I was in the middle of dinner he tried it on his own. Didn't go so well. So he said "I guess you can do it when you're done with dinner, if that's OK." Even though I could still see the crazed fever look in his eyes, we did make it until after dinner.

After three or four tries, the first one was actually last years season, we got it made and the teams picked.  We each started out today with 13 teams, except for Brad, and he has 12 teams. 

And in case you didn't know, today was the first day of games. Brad told me he was going to take a little time off work today, but he didn't know how he was going to count it. Should it be sick pay, you know, because he was feeling a little MARCH MADNESS!

He came home at 10:20am to watch BYU play Florida. BYU happens to be my team. (Who's on the Lord's side? Who?) And Dacee had Florida. It was kind of fun to tease each other all morning about who was winning and losing. BYU was in the lead most of the game but lost it a little bit in the end. They did win in 2 over times. WHEW! We did have to move some of the furniture a bit so Brad had room to pace. And fortunately for BYU, the officials made some great calls just because they could hear Brad yelling that they missed the call. That was a close one! (No need to thank us BYU, we'll stockpile the blessings in heaven thank you very much.)

Anyway, I am one game closer to being the winner. Which entitles me to choose the place we get ice cream to celebrate another great year of MARCH MADNESS!! 


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