Happy Birthday ...a few months ago.
One morning I lifted Braley up to the sink to help her wash her hands and face. She looked up at me and said,"Mom, I am a little girl, but I am growing up!"
And she's right. She is growing up. Everyday she changes just a little. Everyday she grows a little bit. Until one day, she will be all grown up. Every stage in her life is new and different. Watching her grow, seeing her change is bitter sweet. So sweet to see her face and hear her cute little voice whisper that she loves me. Bitter to think that one day, she won't be little anymore.
Oh, mommies are silly sometimes. How come an innocent little thought from my little three year old cause such funny emotions. I don't know, but I don't think I'm alone. All mothers understand the little craziness that whirls around in our hearts.