One hour to Fabulous bread!
We made the tastiest bread ever! It's called one hour sandwich bread actually, but that doesn't come close to describing the yumminess of this bread. Not sure if that is a word, but this bread is yummy! What makes it even better, it truly is one hour from start to finish, and forty minutes of it is baking time. I made this yesterday, and we ate every last crumb. When we woke up this morning we all were ready for more. So we made some more, and we have almost eaten all of it. There are still three pieces left, but I'm sure they won't last much longer.
The recipe gave directions for three methods. Stand mixer, food processor, or by hand. I chose the food processor. I will warn all of you out there, (all three of my readers) that if you have a small food processor don't try using it. Mine is now in the garbage because the little motor burned itself up on the second round of bread today. I finally turned it off when smoke started coming out the back. I casually said, "Guess that's the end of our yummy bread." Regan piped up with a little pleading voice, "Mom, can we just use a spoon next time?" Gasp! A spoon? For more of this delightful bread, we will use a good old fashioned spoon.